The Landstroms

A chronicle of the life and antics of our little monster as he grows.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

End December and the rest of christmas

William received a very special gift from dad for christmas
Driving the car in the living room
Passengering in the living room
time for a break - snacktime!!
Driving the hippo
Off to help dad with the truck
Don't take my picture mom!!
Freshly completed
If you zoom too fast the crayons fall out!
Putting all the markers and crayons in their respective holes

Playing with the potato heads on christmas morning
Discovering hidden treasures in stockings
What is in here???
Orange eating clinic
the child could live on fruit!!
And more of the infamous vegetables
Kank you mommy!!!
Making lunch for Dad while mom makes the stuffing for the bird
feeding vegetables to the hippo
a little hippo dancing!


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