The Landstroms

A chronicle of the life and antics of our little monster as he grows.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Cottage pt 1

These pictures will be posted in reverse order - it is faster and easier and I am busy this week. Enjoy and have a great week!
Williams in pajamas over breakfast at the cottage.
Breakfast with GGpa
Goofasaurus Rex getting up EARLY in the morning at the cottage.
Splashing around with Grandma and AB
These are some pretty interesting looking objects... Oars, now what can I do with some oars.,,
Now this is a boat that I like... GGpa's new boat - Boat, boat boat!!!
William taking a trip around the bay with AB and mom.

All covered in sunscreen, hat, and boat coat ready for a spin around the bay - there is a kid in there somewhere...
Demonstrating the ways you can play with a pool noodle to GGpa. GGpa is marvelling at William's flexibility. Actually he is just marvelling at William - he loved having him up there for the week.
Mashed potatoes for dinner with Grandma. Impressing everyone with his table manners and ability to wield a spork - thanks to Delphine for leaving it at the cottage.
William's first swim in the lake! Thanks again to the Wilsons for leaving the swim float - he liked it so much better than the prospect of waterwings.
First day at the cottage trying on his new swimsuit - thanks to Barett for growing!!


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