The Landstroms

A chronicle of the life and antics of our little monster as he grows.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Coming at you live and in technocolour
This chair is so much fun

The many faces of William

Learning how to walk with a chair and play with the Frog Prince at the same time
I can't remember how to I am supposed to move my feet - help me mommmmmm.
Don't you make fun of me!!!
I am just so happy and proud of myself...
I am an amazing kid, no doubt about it.

Helping with the Laundry

William is such a big help.
You have to fluff the diapers, mom.
Now that I have shown you how to do the diapers I will go back to reading my book
The dustbuster was the easiest way to get the muffin rumbs off the mini monkey this particular afternoon.

Cruising around the room

we start at the far side of the window...

and head to the end where we transfer to the arm of the chair...
...and on to the front of the cahir - and eventually along the front of the desk but we didn't get pictures of that.
Discovering the wonders of fiddleheads (or violin tails as we call them)

Helping with the flooring

The floor before any wood was laid - all purple and red and looking like a little boy's paradise!
Now this is bendy - he loves demonstrating his flexibility as of late.
Helping Dad with the flooring
Thor, Swedish warrior god! With rubber mallet for safety - boy is this kid strong. We call him 'bam bam' when he demonstrates what strong little muscles he has...

Vesta and William helping dad along with the floor - about 300 square feet have been laid to this point.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Cute Monkey

It's springtime - you have to stay hydrated.
And boy, I am thirsty!!

Lemon face is back!!!

I put all the metal bowls in the basket mom. Oh what a good boy am I

cruising monster

Wanna read with me??
this is how you read the Mother Goose book, one page at a time.
Cruising up a storm lately - here I am chasing kitty down the couch. She really does love me but the fact that I am getting more mobile scares her a little... and disturbs her sleep a lot...heeheehee

Watch me dance!!
Now this is one of those days when a little boys tongue just cannot be contained in his mouth...
Mother's Day Breakfast - pancakes and fruit compote - William is experimenting with the dipping process
Scuttling about on the floor on a sunny afternoon

Around the corner of the door...
Watching the birdies in the backyard is lots of fun - you should hear the pheasant!

Welcome Home GGpa

You should really come play with me...
My latest trick is takng my socks off and leaving them around the house. It is always fun watching mom and dad try and find a pair for when we go out!
What do you mean the bongos aren't supposed to be filled with stuff - it works great!
Camouflage - I'm in the box!
You've got to try this - it is the most fun!
Spending too much time with the Kitty - Vesta has been teaching William how to lick windows...
Look at me dance!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Did you hear the one about the caterpillar and the Pope? This one will make you wet your pants it is sooo funny...

I can't seem to get Dad's slipper to stay on my foot!! It keeps falling off.
Now what colour are we going to paint My room??
Reading while reclining on Dad's legs
Laughing up a storm
William has taken to reading while he eats... His pooh crinkle book is his first choice. At least it keeps him from getting distracted and looking around at the first noise during snacks...
And this is how you stand with one hand. I am getting So good at this standing thing, I hardly lean any more.
No pictures please, we celebrities valueour pivacy... Wearing Dad's glasses after he (dad) got back from a run.